Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Don't Know (But I'm Ready To Learn)

The other day, I was in a meeting with a bunch of know-it-alls.  They we're talking over each other about a bunch of stuff.  Everyone had something to say (and then some).  Not surprisingly, everyone also seemed to have an answer; let alone the right answer.  I'm pretty sure I never heard the words "I don't know." 

And that's a shame.  

You see - it's okay to not always have the answers.  After all, we don't know what we don't know.  While it might seem uncomfortable at times, it's actually commendable to admit that we don't have the knowledge or understanding that others have.  It doesn't mean we're stupid; it just means we're not there - yet.  

By admitting our inquisitive uncertainty, we're being honest and humble - which are admirable traits, especially when hanging out with know-it-alls.   By announcing "I don't know" - we actually get a more intelligent conversation going, which can lead to a more intelligent outcome.  From confusion, comes clarity.  But we can't get to the clarity, before admitting the unknown.

Sure, it can be unsettling - let alone scary or embarrassing - to admit that we don't know something (especially if we, or others, think we should).  But as a friend of mine once said when rationalizing the upside versus downside of the IDK mantra: "I'd rather put up with a momentary perception of stupidity, than being a fool for life, just because I didn't want to admit that I didn't know something, and take the time to learn."  Great advise.

I Don't Know (But I'm Ready To Learn) is Good