Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Candidly, I struggle with using sports cliches in business, or life.  Even worse: war cliches. (But hey, if you like 'em - knock yourself out).  That said,  I ran across this sports cliche/acronym the other day, and it really resonated with me.  I like it.         

So, since this is a team sport, I thought I'd call an audible; step to the plate; huddled-up; bounce the ball in your court; skate to where the puck's going; take the shot, and see if we can knock this one out of the park. ("DOH" says Homer. I just did it myself.) 

Above and beyond the parallel to action-oriented sports, this little ditty makes an acronym out of the word GAME - where the G stand for Governance (i.e. how we manage and relate), the A stands for Accountability's (i.e. our responsibilities and objectives ), the M stands for Means (i.e. our actions and resources to get things done), and the E stands for Ends (i.e. our results).           

When it comes to business, and life - GAME matters.  It's at the very core of what we do, why, and how we do it.  GAME counts.  

The next time someone asks if you got game; or your trying to figure out how to succeed at "the game" - think about the GAME acronym, and align/measure yourself to that.  It can only help. 

And remember, while there may not be an "I" in team, you can't spell team without an M and E.  (Sorry, I just had to get one more in there before the clock expired; into the penalty box I go.)            

GAME is Good.