Friday, December 6, 2013

T'is The Season for Good Cheer

Hark merry merriers, and bring forth an ear.  

I've got a tale to tell, so you best huddle near.  

But before I embark, make remedy now: dash to the kitchen, and rustle up some chow.  Warm up your cup, and kindle the fire; I'm ready to roll, so appease my desire!

T'was upon a cold, morning clear; my eyes were not a' twinkle, no coffee near.  At the job I was already, no frolicking in sight - my spirits were low, and my attitude not bright.  All work and no play, make Scott a dull boy; it's true what they say, I wasn't a joy.

Oh woe ... oh me ... was dreary as can be!

Why here ... why now ... can't fun be with me!?  

Then out of the blue came a stranger so bright!  Could it be a vision? A ghost? Or some trick of the light?  "Hold still," cried I, "Stay just where you are! You scare me yo, so you best keep afar!"  

"Chill dude," the aberration said with a laugh, "I'm here to bring cheer and help you relax."  "Relax!?" I replied, "There can be no such thing. I have work and commitments that make my head ring!  I have deadlines, reports and emails a' plenty ... not to mention that Christmas day is all but upon me!"   

"Now now my good man," said the vision with ease, "Listen to my words for a dose of some peace.  For what I say you may not get, but when I leave you shan't ever forget.  Stand-up straight, don't slouch down - for you're to hear the soundest advise around."

At that the mirage smiled and gave forth a wink, and continued to speak of things I could not think.  It said in voice clear and clean, the following words I found so serene.  "A donut with no hole is a danish; a flute with no holes is a stick; yin with no yang is unzenlike; cathedrals aren't built from just bricks!"  

At that my eyes opened and my heart gave away ... my gloomy spirits were lifted, and my funky funk slipped away.  Oh joy is me, I truly do understand: it's so simple, so pure, yet full of command!   

So my good reader, put down this tall tale, and run with me fast to the bar for some ale.  Now raise a good toast to the heavens above, it's time to make merry and bring forth the love!

Hug your family, friends and neighbors too (but not those Cardinals or Patriots fans, as they are taboo).   It's time to put work aside for a few ... to shout and be happy and sing something snappy.

Life is good, we are fine.  All is great, at this time. 

Have a safe and happy holiday season.

Safe and Happy are Good.