Saturday, January 22, 2011

Are You A SME?

Are you a SME? You know, a Subject Matter Expert? And not just some poser, make believe pretend SME - but an honest to goodness, no-doubt-about-it, genuinely verifiable SME? 

If you are a real SME - then awesome.  And if you're not a real SME, then figure out how to be one. Now! Before it's too late. Because SMEs are good, and needed - especially at work.  You see, every organization needs SMEs. Actually, they need lots of SMEs, and lots less Gs (that would stand for Generalists: folks that do a bunch of stuff, but have no real subject matter specialization).

Check it out: not only are SMEs more important, wanted and revered - but they typically make more money, as well. And who doesn't want more props and more coin? Not SMEs, that's who! 

Word of caution though: be careful not to come off as a "know-it-all." They're as bad as litter bugs, back seat drivers and itchy sweaters.  For those keeping score at home, the big differences between the two boils down to style, humility, professionalism and likability.  Moreover, you know it, when you see it.           

So - are you a SME? And if not, why not? And if why not indeed, then figure out what you would like to be a SME of, and make it happen.  It just takes time, effort and desire.  Which you have.  So go for it.  Even better, get it done and keep it going.  Because genuine SMEs are always learning about their subject (and/or related subjects) of expertise.  It's a journey.  And hopefully, an enjoyable and monetizeable one at that.    

SMEs Are Good.  ("Know-It-Alls" Are Bad)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Do Gooders

When (most of us) we were kids, it was never a badge of honor to be called a "do gooder".  Unless of course, you wanted to get beaten-up by the bad dooers.  And I for one, was never a fan of the do good effort, or the beatings.    

Then later - in corporate life - the term "do gooder" also had some pretty negative connotations, as it implied a few other not-so-cool labels like "brown noser" and "suck up". Again, not the kind of recognition one goes looking for, unless of course you really were one, or had a thing for getting taunted.  Once again, I shied away from both.   

That said - it's now time to debunk, defuse and dismiss the bad rap on "do gooders". In fact, it's time to make "do gooder" what it should be: a good thing. In other words, it's cool to do good. It is.  And it's not cool to taunt ... let alone give swirleys and/or wedgies ... to the do gooders.   (Especially at the office; HR really frowns on that kind of thing.)     

But seriously: you, me and the world needs more do gooders (sans the brown nosing and sucking up, of course). So let's turn that negative "do gooder" stigma upside down and inside out, and make do gooders ... do gooders.

After all, doing good, is doing good.   And it's way better, than doing bad.

Do Badders Are Bad.

Do Gooders Are Good.