Monday, September 20, 2010

Be Professional

Watched the premiere episode of The Apprentice.  Once again, was appalled by some of the contestants' pathetic lack of manners.  Seriously, where do they get some of these people from, and why them? (I think we know the answer, as it is sur-reality TV after all; but let's let this one play out for a while.)

If it's to to make business people look like idiots; or make us cringe to think that this is acceptable common-place "board-room" behavior; or imply that the office environment is wrought with arrogant superficiality, petty cat-fighting, divisive name-calling, cowardly back-stabbing, with the occasional off-handed compliment - then they are doing a good (but unfortunate) job.

Sure, bad behavior happens at work.  But that's not the norm.   

That said, to anyone in corporate America, especially young new employees, who thinks the ugly sensationalized behavior overly displayed on The Apprentice is okay, let alone tolerated in most companies - think again. It's not. That show should have both a viewer discretion AND a warning label like they put on unhealthy products. That label should read: "Made for TV only. Don't try this at work. (Unless you do actually want to be fired.)"

If I could give those TV contestants - as well as those real-life contestants that need it - one easy-to-live-by-easy-to-remember piece of advice, it would be this: Be Professional.  Please.      

Being Professional is Good.