Thursday, June 3, 2010

Keep It Real, Flaws And All

Maybe its just me, but it seems like lots of peoples are freakishly obsessed with how they look, behave, and perform.  I'm sensing a heightened paranoia over perfection, and perception.  Maybe its a case of the economic hibijibis that's got folks spooked; thinking that if they make a mistake, let alone show their flaws (which we all have, naturally) - that they might be toast.  

Sure - the age-old truisms are true:  perception is reality, and you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.  That said - imperfections are okay.  In fact, the Japanese have a principle called wabi-sabi - which effectively states that there is beauty, in imperfection.

While perfection is good for trains, planes, automobiles, operating rooms, and other life-impacting machinery, it's kind of a put-off in people.  Mistakes happen.  Imperfections abound.  And certainly, we're not perfect: we're human.  In fact, I'd argue that it's better to be human (and real), than robotic. 

Keeping It (Genuinely) Real is Good.