Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wooden It Be Good!?

Yesterday, one of my role models, John Robert Wooden, passed away at the phenomenal age of 99.  For those that don't know, Wooden was an inspirational figure for many (make that millions of many).  And why?  Because simply put, he epitomized servant leadership. 

Sure - he was human, and had flaws.  And, as with any accomplished person, especially if they succeed at work, family, and life - he had his (few) detractors.  That said - 9.9 out of 10 who knew/know better, thought he was pretty awesome.  And for all the right reasons. 

Simply put - Wooden lived a life of genuine leadership, and an unfailing kindness to all.  His heartfelt teachings, which are plentiful, emphasis at their core the importance of "the fundamentals": hard work, discipline, patience, temperament, teamwork, faith, and family.  With that as his foundational mindset, he won 10 national championships.  More so, he won the hearts, minds and souls of countless men and woman throughout the world.  If you have the time, spend a little of it online reading the many accolades, attributes and admiration's about John Wooden.  And check out his highly revered "Pyramid of Success."   I think you'll find it worthwhile, and worthy of posting on your office wall.  

So on behalf of a grateful world, thank you John Wooden.  And in honor of John Wooden, the next time we get to acting like a brash brazen bully, and think we need to rant, rave, belittle, impugn, berate, chastise, torment, yell, ego-trip, or any of those other aggressive "styles" that all too often get used - instead, think about how John Wooden would do it.  In other words, Wooden it be good, to be like Wooden.

Wooden It Is Good.