Friday, May 21, 2010

Lead. Follow. Or Get Out Of The Way.

(*Attention all readers: I'm going to start a new blogging style/habit/formula.  Let's call it my "less is more/more is more" phase.  Hey, Picasso and Monet had their phases - why can't I?  In other words, over the next few blogs, I'm going to go with a shorter word count, but hopefully a more impactful and straightforward purpose (about time Abbott, right!) So here goes, my first sweet KISS (you know, keep it simple, stupid; with stupid, being me, of course).  Get ready for it; get set; go): 

Lead.  Follow.  Or get out of the way.

That's right.  You get it.  You know what I'm saying, and I think you know what I mean: Lead.  Follow.  Or get out of the way.   And that mandate is for all of the so called "bosses" that think they know what they are doing, but don't. 

There's nothing good about an "in title only" boss, who pretends to be something, they are not.  And worse yet - just ends up getting in the way, and messing things up.   Ohhhhh - that's so frustrating.  Because outside of their title, and the person that gave it to them, they are not what they claim to be.  They are, in one word, a roadblock.  And that roadblock causes problems, on soooo many levels.  True that.     

So on behalf of all the workers of the world, who work for "get in the way roadblock" bosses, remember this simple request: 

Lead.  Follow.  Or get out of the way.

Real Leaders Are Good.