Monday, May 10, 2010

When Guilty Pleasures Turn Guilty

Here's a news flash. Better yet, let's call it a confession, as given the circumstance, it's probably more appropriate. Ready. Set. Go: I like the television show, Celebrity Apprentice (well, at least I use to, anyway). Frankly, it's one of my so-called "guilty pleasures." And why is it a guilty pleasure, you ask? Well - simply put - because I'm not a fan of Donald Trump. Never have been, and never will be. (There goes my celebrity endorsement from The Don.)

That said, I've been able to overcome my many issues with Mr T (yea, the list is long), and tolerate his overbearing, rude, egocentric, persona on behalf of the "celebrities" that have agreed to be on his show, and be subjected to his shameful treatment, and arrogant affronts, on behalf of their charities of choice. Able that is, until last night. As my guilty pleasure is now, just guilty (sob sob, sniff sniff).

You see, on last nights episode, he and his chip-off-the-old-blockhead son, gave the boot, you know, the proverbial heave-ho - to Cyndi Lauper. And get this, for no other reason than she told the truth. That's right ladies and gentleman: she told the truth. (Note to all girls: you can have fun, and tell the truth.) According to Don and his sloffspring protege - Cindi made a "tactful error," that cannot be tolerated in business, or the board room for that matter. What a load of bunk. And the world wonders why I don't like the guy. Go figure.

Call me a softy, but I just don't think the Trump way - is the way, to roll. The means don't justify the ends. If employees, or even celebrities for that matter, have to lie, connive, cheat, steal, hide, and act like as&^%$#!s to get ahead and/or stay ahead - than that's just wrong. Under those circumstances, it's no longer even a fun guilty pleasure. It's just guilty. Don - you're fired!

At the risk of sounding like Andy Griffith from the Andy Griffith show (now that was a guilt free pleasure ;) - we can compete, and we can win -with integrity, and decorum. True that. And the good news is, the world is thankfully full of great roll models, who lead the right way. The servant leader way.

Servant Leadership is Good.