Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kermit Karma (i.e. Positively Others-Oriented)

Hi, Ho! Kermit the Frog here. My good ol' buddy Scott asked me to guest write his blog - which I am oh-so happy to do. (But between you and me, this request proves what I've always thought about Scott: that while he's a swell guy ... he's kind of needy, somewhat lazy, and intellectually clumsy ... just like Fozzy the Bear. But I do love 'em both, for the most part; he he he he he he ;)

So - where was I? Gonzoooooo!? Gonzoooooo!?

Oh yea, Scott asked me to write this blog and explain what he calls "Kermit Karma." (Frankly, I have no idea what he means by Kermit Karma, except that it might have something to do with how I like to treat people with courtesy and happiness.)

Sure, people know me as a simple, green, stuffed frog that’s sole purpose is to be entertaining to children. And you bet! I do love children very much, and to see them smile is like sunshine reflecting off a lily pad. And for a frog, that is a wonderful sight.

However, I also have a very spiritual side. I believe in peace, love, sharing, caring, and the understanding of life, others and one's self. The rainbow connection song (my personal favorite, and one that you should listen to when you get the chance) is a good example of what I feel, and believe we all feel at times.

To paraphrase that song, and my green philosophy (let it be known that I was the original green before green became cool):


In other words, if you do good and good onto others - good will happen to you. If you do bad and bad onto others, well, shudder the thought. Taken together, I think that's what my homeboy Abbott means by "Kermit Karma." And yea, I try to swim my life by those precepts. But, lest you think me big-headed, or that I've eating too many fermented bugs and over indulged in polluted pond water, please know that I am a humble little frog, and know that I don't own the corner on this type of thinking/behaving/living. Nope, got work to do still. Always will.

That said, we are all capable of being positively others-oriented - even those two bullies in the balcony, Statler and Waldorf. (Well, on second thoughts, some folks just don't get it and/or won't want to get it: and that's why they get stuck in the balcony, mean and all alone. And who wants to be mean and alone? Yuck!)

Sure, being positively others-oriented takes work. But if I can do it with Miss Piggy, and hundreds of other crazy, uncontrollable Muppets (it's not easy being green) - chances are, you can do it with those in your world as well. Trust me.

Positively Others-Oriented is Good (just like eating flies).