Saturday, December 19, 2009


If you've been paying any attention to the NFL, you'd know that the (absolutely awesome) Indianapolis Colts are 14 and 0. Repeat: 14 and 0. And while I realize that's only a news flash if you've been living on Mars (or you're a head-in-the-sand Patriots fan) - it's important to give their success some added air time. Because after all - it's big. Really big. More so, it's good and commendable.

Sure - me likey me hometown Colts. They rock! And while the season is far from over, and the ultimate goal this year is to go undefeated and win the Super Bowl - you have to pause to give them their props, today. Right now. At this moment. Why? Because they deserve it. They do. Just like other people and other things do: IF ... THEY ... DO.

You see, when good and commendable things happen - and those good and commendable things are genuinely good and commendable - it's important to take notice, and give it (or them) its due accord. And we don't just do this for the good and commendable things in sports - but the good and commendable things at work, family, and life.

With all of the negativity of today, it's important to be positive about the positives. Granted, there's issues, right!? We're flawed. We're imperfect. We make mistakes. Indeed, there's lots of bad things happening, and yes, we need to work on those, and get them fixed.

But at the same time, and in real-time, let's appreciate the good and the commendable - and give them their props, their atta-boys, their kudos, their thumbs-up. And we don't just do this because its the nice thing to do; we do this because it's the right thing to do.

So if something is good and commendable - let 'em know it.


Good and Commendable Is Good and Commendable.

(And oh yea - GO COLTS!)