Sunday, July 5, 2009

Always Looking Up (takes looking around)

I just finished Michael J. Fox's wonderful new book, Always Looking Up. Now, the fact that I've been a big fan of Fox for the last 20 or so years (yea, I even like Teen Wolf) - helps me appreciate his book, his plight with Parkinson's, his Michael J Fox Foundation , and his zest for friends, family, and life.

Indeed, I like Mike. And yes, he wrote a very nice book, and more so, has a very nice purpose to his book. Now, specific to the book's title - I'd like to add a few components to help us with our own aspirations to have an "always looking up" attitude for life. (And given what I know about Michael, I think he'd be okay with my added "compenentry.")

To have an upbeat, positive, "always looking up" perspective, attitude, aptitude and mindfulness about life (and work for that matter) ... we have to occasionally look down; look sideways, look across; and as best we can ... look for as much insight, foresight and hindsight as we can muster.

In other words - it helps to have peripheral vision.

And what's the best way to get peripheral vision?

Through active, life-long learning.

After all, we really can’t be much of anyone, or do much of anything (let alone THRIVE) - if we don’t first put our minds to it. As they say, mind over matter. So, to effectively look-up, we need to look around, when/where appropriate - for the "nutrients" that feed our mind, as well as our heart, body, and soul.

Active, Life-Long Learning is Good.