Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't Be A Mr. Bill (OHH NOOO!)

This past Sunday, I had the smile-full joy of listening to our priest, one exceptionally cool Father Kevin - deliver his homily using the old-school SNL cartoon, Mr. Bill, as the fodder for his message. To Father Kevin's immense credit, it was masterful. (For the record, I'm not trying to get extra credit with Father Kevin, although God only knows I can use all the help I can get.)

To paraphrase Father Kevin - its important that we all live and work from reality (with props to awareness and active learning) - so as to avoid the infamous Mr. Bill proclamation:


Which would inevitably be howled by Mr. Bill himself, just before his squishy pulverization (he was made of clay, you see) by Mr. Hands or Slugo. Sadly, the show always ended the same. Mr. Bill never made it. Nope. And therefore, he never learned his lesson.

Indeed, Mr. Bill had a (painful) propensity to always find himself in an "OHH NOOO" situation - even though he was mutilated over, and over, and over again. Why didn't he learn?! Now while this was, and still is for that matter, a silly, whimsical cartoon - it sadly parallels some of us in real life. The fact of the matter is, most of us (including me for sure) have our own "why won't we ever learn" convenient memory forgetfulness. You know, the kind of stuff that we should know by now, yet we continue to ignore them, and in our own way - get the Mr Bill treatment; albeit hopefully not as painful.

So the next time we have an "OHH NOOO" moment (out loud or in our conscience) - lets make sure not to repeat that same mistake again. To help with that, maybe we should visualize how it would feel to be pummeled by a pair of hands and a fire extinguisher ten times our size. (For those playing at home, that was one of the preferred punishments for poor Mr. Bill.)

Take it from Mr. Bill - it's best to stay whole.

OHH NOO is Bad.