Monday, April 6, 2009

Much More Better!

On a recent family road trip - my kids passed the time by watching the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie on a portable DVD. (You know, when I was a kid, we passed the time by being bored; soo not fair.) And while it would have been nice to have watched as well (safety first, you know) - I was able to listen along, and enjoyed the movie nonetheless. And since I've seen the movie about two dozen times, I was able to visualize most of the scenes anyhow.

One of my favorite sayings in the movie (admittedly, I have lots of them) is from Captain Jack, when he quips, "Much More Better!" Not only is it a fun part of the movie - the line has become somewhat embedded in my own nomenclature. In fact, as Jack himself would muse, it's become part of my repartee; my lexicon, rap, and parlance. I even have a tendency to mimic his accent when saying it (much to the embarrasment of my wife and kids). But hey, having lived in England for more than 7 years, I can still deliver a rather convincing British dialect, if I say so myself, thank you very much. Spot on, what what?!

Think about it: Who doesn't want things to be Much More Better?

I do! Don't you?

So the next time you're thinking about doing something - that's really worth doing - at work, in business, and in life - ask yourself: How can I make this Much More Better? After all, nobody likes a Davey Jones. He's uuggllyy. And Much More Worse.

Much More Better is Good.