Friday, November 21, 2008

Think Armamentarium - Not Armageddon

By the looks of things today ... given the glum economy, dysfunctional world order, political divisiveness, the banking and auto industry meltdown , The Colts at 6-4, and my personal biggest bummer being my eyes, formerly a boastful 20/20, now tanking on me (I hear that happens after 40) ... why, you'd think ... we're on the verge ... of ... (gasp) Armageddon. Well, hopefully not really, but you get my point.

"Where's the Ghost Busters when you need them."

But seriously, what's with all heaviness, confusion, paranoia, challenges and uncertainty? Can you say D-R-A-G! The even sadder reality though, is that almost all of us, literally 99.9999999% of the individual you's and me's in the world, have absolutely no ability to personally effect (or affect for that matter), on a macro level, the national, let alone global, predicament that exists throughout the world today. We are but pawns on the chess board of life (got that one from the old TV show Kung Fu; ahhso grasshappa).

If we can't control Armageddon, we can control our own "armamentarium."

What's armamentarium you ask? Well, it's the aggregate of equipment, methods, and techniques available to one for carrying out one's duties. In other words, its how we personally comport ourselves, to do what we have to do, in order to: smile, laugh, listen, learn, sing, dance, work, love, live, support our families, and yes - especially today, to persevere. While we can't just wave a magic wand and make the stuff that we can't control better (unless you know Harry Potter) - we can, for the most part, control ourselves. Now, more than ever - we need to strive to be the best and most complete that we can be, appreciating of course that we'll never be perfect or be able to do everything we want, or be everything we should be.

Be that as it may, each of us needs to rally our armamentarium.

Celebrate it.

Promote it.

Embrace it.

Armamentarium is Good.