My priest shared that one with us on a recent church retreat, and I thought it appropriate given all of the uncertainty in the world today. Sure, its important to do everything we can to plan, prepare and be ready for all of the challenges, opportunities and unknowns that life has in store for us.
We also have to leave room for the reality that we can never totally control or anticipate life's various bumps, bruises, disruptions, and sadly, pain and heartache (and that's why in business and life we have contingency plans, insurance and wills, right?). So on this day of Thanksgiving (yes, I'm writing this when I should be getting ready to gorge myself on good food, but more important, feast on the love of family and friends) - lets give thanks for what we have now; what we know now; what we are doing now, and what we will know, do and have in the future.
At the same time, the fact that we don't know what we don't know, and that we can't control what we cant control - is (as the overused expression goes) what it is. In effect, that give and take, and the fact that we have to be responsible and prepare - but also groove on ambiguity, uncertainty and compromise - just means that we're alive.
We're here.
We're doing.
We're living.
For that, let's be thankful.
Thankful living is good.