Saturday, June 4, 2011

No More Gimmicks

Is it just me, or is the world full of annoying sales gimmicks? 

These days, we seem to be sold more hype, hoopla and hyperbole, than substance.  Sure, selling the sizzle over the steak is not new.  But the smoke factor seems thicker than peanut butter soup.          

Indeed, the sales musac is so deafening, it's making me light-headed and giddy; can't hear myself think. Ahhh, but maybe that's their goal, those devious marketing monsters. Well played; NOT. 

So be gone, you bothersome no-good sales gimmicks.  You're wanted no more.  (Except for the eTrade baby; he's a keeper.) 

While we're at it, let's lose the asteriskeseses.  Those annoying little splats seem to be as ubiquitous as mosquitoes in Michigan (it's their state bird, you know).  If you gotta put an asterisk next to something, than maybe that something needs to be a better something else.

And let's give the big heave-ho to all the fine print.  Time to dump that stuff, as well.  Read my lips, all you Madison Avenues of the world: if what you have to explain/cover/defend can't be said in the same font, then don't say it.  Or again, figure out a better product and/or service that doesn't need it.

While I do get a kick out of those crazy NY street vendors slight-of-hand card tricks (that I of course, never gamble at) - I'm not a big fan of slight-of-hand sales gimmicks, asterisks and fine print. 

And I don't think it's just a me thing, either.  Nope. 

So what are we going to do? Accept it?  Deny it?  Refuse it?

Sure, when it's all said and done, it's probably a combination of all three.  After all - the gimmicks, asterisk and fine print (GAFP) are so rampant, it's hard to not buy what we need without getting GAFPd in one form or fashion.  Whatever. 

If given a choice, let's go with the one (s)  that sells us like it is, without all the clanking and the clutter.  If they respect us by telling us straight, then we respect them by buying their stuff.

A fair deal, all around. 

Mutual Respect is Good.