Friday, December 31, 2010

Keeping It Real (and Good) In 2011

At this time of year, many of us contemplate, sign-up for and commit to various New Years resolutions. It's our thing.  That said, and in recognition of the yin/yang of 2010 (albeit it way better than the grind of 2008 and 2009), it's easy to see why we want to focus on positive resolutions. (As if anyone would sign up for negative ones, right?)

But before we go setting overachieving, unbelievably optimistic resolutions that involve words like terrific, fantastic, extraordinary, phenomenal, incredible and all those other type of super-duper adjectives - let's keep the expectations real, and manageable, and most of all achievable.  Think positive pragmatism.   

That said, a word that that fits nicely given past issues, present dynamics and future uncertainties, is the word (drum roll please): good. In fact, good is great.  It's achievable, believable and realistic.  It works.

So here's to keeping it real, and keeping good health, good friends, good business, good careers, good spirituality, good love, good hugs, and good family, for good living.

Good is Good.

Happy New Year!