Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Turn Trustworthy To Trust, We Must

Don't know why, but I'm having a big-time Yoda moment. Maybe it has something to do with the title and content of today's blog (but be certain, I know not).  Anywho, it turns out that researchers have established that trust is critical to organizational effectiveness. No mind meld there, hun. 

Being trustworthy yourself, however, does not guarantee that you are capable of building trust. That takes actual, real-world, proof-positive, trust-centric results (or being a really old, wrinkly little green fella, with gargantuan ears, who talks funny; kid I not).

In other words, just because you think you're Hans Solo when it comes to your own integrity - if others don't think that, well then, that's their reality, right?  Which can make it that much more frustrating when the real you, doesn't align with the you they see. While you want, and maybe even deserve their trust - they just don't give it.  Yea, that'd make even Obe One lose his cool.

So what to do, if that's the case? Well, to level set - there's no quick pill, sauce or anecdote for this one. Nope. On the contrary, it takes time. Sometimes, lots of time. Because the underlying formula for earning trust boils down to this simple, yet powerful, mantra: walk the walk. No - it's not talk the walk, or even walk the talk. It's walk the walk.  Which means we can't market, hype, hurry or sell our way to trust; no phone ins here.  Net/net: It takes the actual, proof-positive fulfilment of trust-earning deeds: which takes time. 

So be patient young Skywalker, if this is your situation. Building trust is journey, not event. Evolution, not revolution.  Be, you must.  Do, you must.  Earn, you must.  (So says Yoda.)

May the force be with you.

Trusted Is Good.