Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comsi Comsa or Asi Asi (Shame on Both)

Doh is me.  You'd figure that after living in both France and Spain over 4 years - and moreover, having taken about 8 years of French and Spanish classes - that I'd be way smarter when it comes to speaking those languages: Not! Quite the contrary, and quite the pathetic shame.  A shame so shameful, that I should wear the cone of shame.  Just call me Doug, minus the cuteness and propensity for squirrels.

So you don't remember those foreign languages, you say. Big deal, right?  It happens.  And hey, we speak American anyhow, si?  Nothing to be shameful 'bout!?  Well, to a degree, that's true.  The problem however, is that while I pretty much remember nada (aha!), I do remember - more so, still use to this day - two Euro-centric expressions that I don't really like, or want to use.  But shamefully, use I do. 

Now, I know you're jonesin' to know: just what exactly are those expressions, that hound me so?

Well, the first is "Comsi Comsa" (which is French, for those keeping score at home). The second is "Asi Asi" (which, you got it, is Espanol).  And guess what?  They both mean the same thing, which roughly translated to English (aka American), means  "So So". 

That's right sports fans - they are a fancy, foreign way to shrug and say "so so".  And that's why I use them, I guess - because I hate the English version.  Seriously, what's up with "so so"?  How can anyone be "so so"?  Pick a lane, darn it.  And pick the right one, at that.  In other words - even if we feel so, "so so" - tell your face you don't.   Then tell the face that asks "how you doing?" something better than so so.  Because frankly, so so isn't even so so.  It's just lamo.  And nobody likes a downer.     

So here's my plan, thanks to this public admition of linguistic shame:  no more Comsi Comsa, or Asi Asi.  No more hiding my own disdain (and use) of the lamo "so so" expression.   I'm done being hypocritical, and living the lie.  Shame no more.  From now on, it's all good; even when it's not (get my drift?) 

Who's with me? 

So So Is Bad (In Any Language).