Friday, October 29, 2010

Dollars and Sense

Sometimes, we find ourselves having to choose between what we hope makes the most sense, with what's best (or better), for the proverbial "bottom line."  Sure, we've all been there/done that: at work, and life.   

We've also seen how the results of these choices, can tend to favor one, over the other. It's as if sometimes the options are diametrically opposed. And why? Why do we have to have conflict - either perceived, or real - when it comes to choosing dollars over sense?

Maybe it's a DNA thing. 

While we might not be able to fix the root cause (genetics are hard to rewire), what if we agree on a proactive remedy. And what's that, you ask? Well, simple: don't let it get there in the first place. 

In other words, when it comes to making decisions that will be judged based on dollars over sense, or sense over dollars - just insist that the decision be accordingly aligned, taking both into equal consideration through balanced judgement, and healthy compromise.  Think and/with ... not either/or. 

If we start with the end goal in mind, we can get the balance and harmony we're looking for.
Dollars And Sense Are Good.