Saturday, January 17, 2009

Drink-Up The C&Cs!

Now before you go thinking that C&Cs some fancy, expensive, mind-numbing, liver-punishing, bad-mood-arising, alcoholic drink - it's not. Nope - no booze.

On the contrary, C&C is a wonderfully healthy, all natural, non-alcoholic, body-transforming, mind-empowering, "green" life elixir - one that can help all of us live happier, friendlier, healthier, compassionate, prosperous lives.

C&C doesn't require a glass ... let alone ice, garnish, or umbrella. And it's absolutely, positively, no-doubt-about-itly more refreshing, and tastier, then the one in the picture.

Really, it's gooooooooooooooooood!

Best of all - C&C is totally FREE. Costs nothing; nada; zero; zilch. Everyone can drink it, serve it, and enjoy it: anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Given the economy and desperation of today, you have to like the value prop of free and beneficial.

So, what's a C&C you ask, and what are the ingredients? Well, C&C stands for Composure and Compromise. Best served and sipped, neither shaken or stirred. Now admittedly, I'm having some fun with that thirsty metaphor. And no, I haven't been drinking. While the parallel of the "drink" metaphor is a stretch (you think?), the image/purpose of the metaphor, more importantly the C&C part - is absolutely, unequivocally spot on.

Think about it: if we all drank a C&C every morning, before we went into the world - we, and the world, would be in a better place. So much of our problems come from the fact that we lose our composure, and our ability to compromise. I'm not talking about compromising the integrity of things like love, family, trust, truthfulness, etc. etc. etc. Can't compromise that stuff! I'm talking about the type of composure and compromise that helps us be empathetic, compassionate, brotherly, agreeable, friendly, and those other positive, humanistic traits that can help us live happier, healthier, others-oriented lives.

If by chance we forget to drink our daily dose of C&C in the morning, and something happens during the day to make us feel un-composed, or we're unwilling to compromise on stuff that should have a compromise - then just smack your palm to you forehead, and shout out: "I gotta have a C&C!" (Yea, just like they do in the V8 commercials). Given the choice though - lets stick to drinking our C&C first thing in the morning (less embarrassing that way), right after we brush our teeth. After all, fresh breath, and some C&C ... along with a good breakfast, a good prayer, and good family TLC ... helps make the day, a good day. You in?

Composure and Compromise Are Good.