Monday, September 29, 2014

Why You Gotta Be So Rude!?

With props to the hit (but now way over-played) song Rude, by Magic! - I'd like to ask/implore the same question (you know, why you gotta be so rude?!) - to all the (way too many) corporate executives who are rude. 

Seriously - what gives?!

Why you gotta be so rude!? 

After almost 25 years in business (where did the time go?!) - I am absolutely perplexed, befuddled, bewildered and saddened - how (moreover why) there are so many rude execs, and worse even - why/how so many companies hire, tolerate and promote, rude executives.

And why do companies hire rude people in the first place?  Well, that's a pretty simple answer: because they are typically rude themselves, and more likely than not, are the same companies that push around vendors (another topic I questioned in a past blog on vendorship vs. partnership). 

Riddle me this Joker: whoever read a popular business book (let alone a popular leadership book), or watched a popular Ted video that suggests it's good business (or good for business) to be rude? 

And yet ... oh-so sadly ... the world is littered with corporate executives who are, simply put: rude.

Go figure.

Rude is Bad. 

Nice is Good.

Be Nice.