But how do you know if someone is going to be a good fit? What do you use to discover, gauge, measure and determine the fit quotient - other than just resumes, interviews, references and so-called personality tests? What indeed!?
In the book The Way of the Shepherd, authors Leman and Pentak, suggest that one of the best ways to identify fit (for the individual and the company) is to evaluate the person's SHAPE.
By using the SHAPE formula, everyone should have better confidence that you won't be putting the proverbial square peg, into the proverbial round hole. (Do you actually think anyone has ever tried to put a literal square peg into a literal round hole!? If they did, I can tell you who wouldn't be a fit, if you catch my drift.)
So, without further ado, and no drum roll needed - SHAPE spells:
S = Strengths
H = Heart
A = Attitude
P= Personality
E = Experiences
You get it, don't you. It's simple, clean, and easy-to-understand.
It's a great fit, for securing fit.
So next time your looking to ensure a good fit - give SHAPE a try.
SHAPE is Good (And a Good Fit is Even Better).