Friday, April 6, 2012

Kermit Karma

(The following was inspired by the fact that: 1) I dig Kermit, 2) My daughter loves Kermit, and 3) I watched the newest Muppet's movie about 10 times over spring break - literally).  

Hi, Ho! Kermit the Frog here. My good buddy Scott asked me to guest write his blog - which I am oh-so happy to do. But between you and me, this request proves what I've always thought about Scott: that while he's a swell guy ... he's kind of needy, somewhat lazy, and intellectually clumsy ... just like Fozzy the Bear.  But I do love 'em both (for the most part; he he he he ;)

Now, where was I? Gonzooo!? Gonzooo!?

Oh yea, so Scott asked me to write this blog and explain what he calls "Kermit Karma." Frankly, I have no idea what he means by "Kermit Karma," except that it might have something to do with how I like to be compassionate toward others.  Indeed, to see people smile and laugh and sing and love is like sunshine reflecting off a dewy lily pad on a summer's morn.   And for a frog, that is a very wonderful sight, indeed!

That said, The Rainbow Connection song (my personal favorite, and one that you should know, as well) is a good example of what I believe.  To paraphrase that song, and my personal philosophy:


In other words, if you do good onto others - good will happen to you. If you do bad onto others, well, shudder the thought. Taken together, I think that's what Scott means by "Kermit Karma."  And yea, I try to swim, hop and ribbit my life by the "do good onto others" precept.

But, lest you think me a big-headed frog, or that I've eating too many fermented bugs and over indulged in spiked pond water, please note that I really am a humble little frog, and know very well I'm not perfect, and that I don't own the corner of the lake on compassionate living.  Nope, I got work to do. Always will.

That said, we are all capable of being compassionate - even those two bullies in the balcony, Statler and Waldorf. (Well, on second thoughts, some folks just don't get it and/or won't want to get it: and that's why they get stuck in the balcony, mean and all alone. And who wants to be mean and alone? Yuck!)

Sure, being compassionate takes work. But if I can do it with Miss Piggy, and hundreds of crazy, uncontrollable Muppets (it's not easy being green) - you can do it in your world, as well.

Compassion is Good (just like chocolate covered flies; yum!).