Friday, December 26, 2008

Veg Out Day

It's the day after Christmas. The holiday season's been great, big fun. Much motion. Traveled to, and fro. Busy. Spent wonderful time with family and friends. Hugged, laughed, and cherished. Drank and ate way too much. Been active. I'm tired. In need of rest and relaxation: some R&R.

Today's way slow compared to recent. That happens, right: crazy, super busy ... followed by crazy, super slow. And that's not a bad thing. Sometimes in life, we have to quiet things down; recharge, meditate, chill, veg-out. So while the English might call the day after Christmas Boxing Day, I think I'm going to call this Veg Out Day. You with me? But no need to answer - because like any well behaved vegetable, you don't have to.
Just lay there, and veg.

Veg Out Day is Good.