Ya gotta love those Apple iPhone commercials. You know, the ones that use that catchy, oh-so hip, bumper sticker/sound-bite tag line: "There's an app for that." It's a great slogan: simple, and tight - yet expressive enough, that we get it. In fact, it's almost magical - in that those five little words, strung together like they are - imply that there's a quick, inexpensive, downloadable way to do, well, pretty much whatever you need done. How cool's that!?
Now, while there may be lots of phenomenal "apps" for doing lots of things - there's not an app for good leadership. Nope. Don't work that way. Good leadership can't be downloaded. And as great as books and tapes and videos on leadership are - it can't be attained in short order or by reading and watching alone. It takes time. It takes work. It takes commitment. It takes a lot.
But don't take my word for it - check it out yourself. Do you think these character traits of good leadership can be downloaded, read in, watched in, or accomplished in short order:
Integrity, they are ethical, humble and trustworthy.
Good leaders are stractical, they’re good with both strategy and being tactical.
Good leaders set realistic, fact-based, and achievable expectations, goals, and objectives.
Good leaders execute. They get things done, on-time and on budget.
Good leaders comprehend the economics. They do the math, and know how to measure.
Good leaders are productive, and like productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality.
Good leaders are good collaborators and communicators. They’re understandable.
Good leaders achieve quick, short-term wins. Here and now.
Good leaders are energetic and motivated. They work hard and have fun with it.
Good leaders are team players. They are empathetic, likable and others-oriented.
Good leaders anticipate, adapt and adopt. They’re flexible.
Good leaders are accountable. They are organized and coordinated. They deliver.
Good leaders think outside, and inside “the box”: They get momentum and progress.
Good leaders are knowledgeable. They have real skills and broad perspectives.
Good leaders have conviction and are committed. They work hard and smart.
Good leaders keep things simple, not simplistic. And they know the difference.
Good leaders have a cause. It’s about more than just making money.
Good leaders are authentic. They have humble confidence and positive pragmatism.
Good leaders do the hard and soft stuff. They can manage the books, and feelings.
Good leaders listen intently. They hear what people say, and what they mean.
Good leaders rally for good change. They justify, promote, manage, and deliver change.
Good leaders are comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. They also like details.
Good leaders handle the pressure. They’re thick skinned and cool under duress.
Good leaders have solid memories. They remember and forget - appropriately.
Good leaders are self-critical. They know that they make mistakes and can improve.
Good leaders reprimand in private and praise in public.
Good leaders know when enough is enough. They put first things first.
Good leaders are good coaches. They want and nurture more good leaders.
Good leaders appreciate and promote a balanced life with regard to work and family.
Good leaders are also diplomatic, persistent and persevering, agreeable, unassuming, calm, polite, good-humored, exciting and excited, helpful, thoughtful, competitive, steady, brave, self-starter, conscientious, earnest, flexible, resolute, tolerant, spirited, cheerful, inclusive, congenial, patient, responsive, trusting, optimistic, loyal, and consistent. (I know ... breath Scott ... breath.)
No doubt, those are a lot of characteristics, qualities, and attributes that go into being a good leader. And let's be honest: no human has all of those listed above - at least not at the same time, place, and level that they want. That's why being a good leader, is all about continuously becoming a better leader. And better. And better. And better. It's an evolutionary, lifelong journey; so you better pack a snack, and bring along a change of underwear.
But seriously, that's why good leadership takes constant effort. Because for now, there ain't no app - at least not yet. (Anybody got Steve Jobs number?)
Good Leadership is Good (and worth the effort).